Master brake cylinder faulty? Just a little bit? Reading the built-up pressure over 5 minutes gives you yay or nay.
Ah, smart guy: Dismantled the wheel without first loosening the bombproof shaft nut. A wrench helps.
No compressor to press the piston out of the brake calliper?
A grease gun and DIY adapter are an alternative.
Installed billions of times – and just as often incorrectly adjusted: Wheel bearings with two tapered roller bearings. Adjustment requires fingertips, brain and a screwdriver.
In order to bleed the brake system of your beloved car, all you need in addition to the right brake fluid is an open ear and a healthy foot.
If the ABS indicator light is on, a defective speed sensor may be the cause. This is easy to test.
If the brake pulls on one side or a rim gets hot for no reason, the brake caliper may be to blame. How to repair it?
Almost all brake systems can be bled without an assistant or special tools: with a bicycle hose and pump.