Finally a good reason to give the dog / the brat / the old hag a proper thrashing: Threads are messed up. And I did it myself. Typically, it’s always the others, someone else. Just not yourself. It’s especially nice when it happens at the weekend and work is pressing – the car has to be finished, for whatever reason. The fun is doubled when the usual rescue methods for broken threads are out of reach. So neither Helicoil, ENSAT nor resizing are an option. Throw the chewing bone collection over to the neighbor? Trample the boy’s Playstation? Destroy the Thermomix packing with a handful of pebbles?
For the sake of family peace, the therapists recommend reaching into the box with the cable sections. As copper is pliable, but nevertheless strong, a few strands (wires) are a good makeshift solution. Screw them into the hole together with the screw, tighten them and don’t shake them any more. Buy a helicoil set at the next opportunity and give the rascals an ice cream.
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