Valve stem seals often sit recessed in the head and are rarely easy to grip. A
modified combination pliers can help.
It could be so beautiful: The cylinder head is almost complete, the new valve stem seals are racking happily in their bag – but the old seals are bombproof and refuse to leave the valve stem.
The designer has probably gone to his grave with the reason why the support rings of these special shaft seals are often designed so unfriendly to pliers, but the problem remains and drive the mechanic nuts.
So if you don’t have any expensive yet cheap sheet metal pliers for the rings, it’s worth taking a look in your box of discarded tools. Here you will often find an old, toothless combination or radio pliers.
The only ingredient missing for the do-it-yourself valve stem sealing pliers is a millimeter disc for the angle grinder: Clamp the pliers in the vice and make a straight and shallow cut in each jaw. Logically, these should coincide when compressed and save the expensive special tool from now on.
A small tip – big effect. Above all, you don’t have to throw the old pliers in the scrap.
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