Stud bolts usually do their work on the vehicle out of sight and hold valve covers, cylinder heads or transmission bell housings firmly in place. This is commendable and only becomes a problem if you have to remove the stud bolt (for whatever reason).
The things are made of steel or even better material and have often happily seized into the the aluminum of the head or engine housing. With a lot of bad luck, they are even secured with microencapsulation and are then bang-proof and do their job even when they are no longer supposed to.
The normal and gentle method of persuading such contemporaries is simple: screw on two matching nuts and lock them. Anything that resists the unscrewing attempt is now ready for the hard way: this is first of all the patented thread extractor (good design and never at hand) or the sharp water pump pliers. Soaking the thread with WD40 one night before work also works wonders.

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